Thursday, July 17, 2008

Who Am I ?

The other day I read this book by Preethi Nair called "The Color of Love" which talks about this lady who after lots of turmoil gives up her flourishing career, her love life, her wedding and even her parents house to just follow her instincts. Her childhood hobby and her attempt to run away from everything and everybody leads her to become a celebrity and ultimately win the Turner Prize.

I often wonder why is it that we simply tend to give up everything 'coz somebody else wants us to do so. Our identities have completely evaporated. Priority always remains what the other person feels but not what we want. I still don't know who I'm... A daughter, a wife, a sister, a friend. I still wonder the day I'm able to find and describe the real me I would have just followed my instincts and would not have to think about anything but what I want to do.

Rise! Create an identity for yourself and know & do what you want & believe in not what others want you to be.

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