Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hope Around Us...

I got up one morning amidst blasts and unrest in the country. Dark clouds of fear and scepticism had filled the air. It seemed blood would trickle out of these thick clouds in the sky. Fear to step out of the houses; Fear to live blissfully; Fear to breathe; Fear of surviving. But cutting through all this was a fresh breeze of hope. Hope to live; Hope for a better tomorrow; Hope to find a better road ahead.

You , me and everybody around us take the same roads everyday. The road that takes us into our homes and out of it. When the other day I walked out of my house, towards the market for some shopping, a patch of road was being rebuild. While the fresh taurpaulin was being laid over it, what lay underneath were the cracks and the pot holes of the remains of a dead road. Further down, where the road still remained untouched revealed the imprints of the millions of footsteps and the remains of the road trampled n number of times beneath heavy vehicles. But the magical effect lies within. The road in whatever condition maybe, pushes us further and gives us a hope of moving ahead and reaching our destination someday.

Right in front of the shopping mall, the road was smooth with cars zipping on it. Though it is quite ironical but true, these roads are similar to our lives. While new opportunities and hope dawns our life what lies beneath is nothing but the past, the rough patches, the ups and downs. But we move on with a promise to surely reach our destination. What lies ahead of us is an exciting journey, ready to unveil the best. Sometimes our hopes and wishes have been marred and tramples by the selfish wants of some, but each time we strike back and move on...

1 comment:

Shikha said...

beautifully written - a very mundane yet romantic thought... nice.