Thursday, June 30, 2011

Nature makes a promise

Blue as is the sea

the rise and drop of the waves wash away my fears

and leave me blue with a promise to visit again.

Orange as is the golden sun

the bright rays dry up my tears

and leave me behind with a promise to brighten my day again.

Green as is the grass below

laden with dewdrops engulf me in its freshness

they promise to let me walk on them whenever I feel low.

Red as are the roses

even in midst of thorns

promise me to spread its fragrance wherever I go.

White as is the snow

the flakes like pearl hug me and take me in their arems

and promise to give me company every time I am alone.

Purple, pink and magenta flowers

fill my life with colours

and promise to spread their hues when I am in darkness.

The nature promises to be my eternal friend.

Who am I

The shackles of darkness beckon to the bottom of a dungeon

I know not where I am or what I am?

The more I struggle to let go off the chains I am dragged into a whirlpool

I know not where I am or what I am?

A sudden clamour wakes me up from a deep slumber, as I walk besides thousands

On anonymous, unexplored paths I travel just to find some solace

I still don’t know where I am or what I am?

I tussle with my thoughts, who am I? I ask myself

I still await a light that can pierce through the darkness

A hand that can pull me out of oblivion and can give me a name.