Sunday, July 13, 2008

Meet & Depart

Didn’t realize the other day what it feels to be departed from the loved ones or what one goes through when one moves away. Meeting & parting are the ways of life; but to go through the feeling of loosing someone important in your life has always been with me. Family being the soul of ones life was for me too. From childhood to now has been a journey full of love, life, family & friends.

For every child Grandparents have always been a source of fun, enjoyment, tons of pampering, foundation of knowledge, family values and a bundle of surprises. Sooner I realized that, made it an integral part of my system, I started cherishing the moments of my life with and around my grandparents. From the first footsteps to the innumerable broken toys, from the journey of the school to gifts on the birthdays, this was the world to me.

Day1: Early morning suddenly the news comes of my grandpa’s demise. Shock engulfed the whole family. Though I was too young to understand the true meaning of death, I soon realized the vacuum it had created in my life.

Day 2: My Cousin, this little sister of mine, the twinkling star in the family. During her short period of stay with us on earth, she made everyone happy around. She fulfilled my want of having a little sister (a doll), in my life. The smile, the naughtiness, the intelligent girl next door, all this filled or lives with joy. But Alas! This was it. Her illness didn’t let her stay long amongst us, and I still long for a cute little sister like her.

Day 3: My Best Friend – My Dad. I couldn’t imagine life without him. He guided me like a friend, philosopher & guide. From my first words, to my first smile, my first day at school to my exams, from studies to movies, he knew every bit and I confided in him religiously every small or big experience that I had. But his sudden illness and those hard times of lying besides his head and trying to give some comfort, made me realize that I was on the verge of loosing the strength in my life, my sole being and my entity was evaporating and all was in vain as every moment the dark clouds of worries and thoughts filled my mind. Soon I lost my shelter for life. While the days went by caring about my mom and all that I could do to keep her happy, and the want to somehow try and get back a smile on her face was my sole aim, I couldn’t keep my mind off the emptiness that was created in my life and has never been filled ever since.

All these losses have made me stronger from within. The emptiness has created an urge to make friends and to be emotionally bonded with each, to make them a part of my family. Friendship has given my life a new meaning. It has taught me the beauty of staying together, the beauty of staying in touch. My mother is now my greatest friend. My colleagues are my second family and I cherish each relationship. There still happens some departing, but with a promise to stay in touch and to cherish the joy of togetherness for ever ‘n’ ever…


Shazia Qadeer said...

your write-ups touch chords d heart of Lady, leaving us hungry for more !!!

Shazia Qadeer said...

your write-ups touch chords of d heart Lady, leaving us hungry for more !!!