Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Concrete Forest

It's quiet nostalgic when I look behind in the past. My brisk childhood walks holding my parent's or grandparent's hands were always amidst lush green ambience. Dewy grass beneath, tall standing Gulmohar trees, beautiful flowers, cuckoos cooing, woodpeckers busy pecking on barks, parrots flying past hurriedly from one tree top to another and peacocks flaunting their wings awaiting the rains. Picking flowers, enjoying the various bird songs in the nature's lap. This was my childhood.

But as I see around now, the fading greenery is no more a concern for anybody. People enjoy movies in multiplexes, shopping in malls, indulge in indoor games but outings & picnics are long forgotten. Where have the picnic spots vanished? All one can see around is nothing but concrete forests. All builders are busy purchasing empty lots to be filled up with sky-scrapers later on. And these would then be sold at an exorbitant price; they are nothing but a heap of Cement & Bricks, comletely claustrophobic. Unlike the earlier homes which extended into a garden or a backyard which most of the houses would turn into a kitchen garden.

Only place you now seem to find plantations would be near a flyway or any over bridge where embellishment is required before the 2010 games. At the same time people who can afford a lavish farm house are pampering themselves to escape the busy week & the city life. Also some for the sake of interiors or beautiful exteriors or even Vaastu are planting trees. But this in't enough. We have a long way to go.

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