Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Glowing Flame

Gone are those days of candle lit nights in power failures. The power backups have engorged the charm of a candle. The other night when I lit the candles amidst the effervescence of the potpouri, the flames emitted a wonderful warmth that unfolded a certain mystery, an enormity that had the power to engulf in itself all the pain in its surroundings. The dancing flames dislayed a certain exuberance that brightened the surroundings and lit the ambience. It woud burn for hours together and would melt into nothingness but it will make sure that its benevolent charm is spread all over.

It's amazing to notice the wide contrast in it's character. On one hand it embellishes your room in parties, dinners & festivals, its warmth lights up a fireplace in many houses and provides our kitchens it's soul, but at the same time disaster is not far away while there is a spark in the nearby wires or a smoke is seen coming out of high-rise buildings. Gushes of water are then poured to put it off but the same will again be required in winters to ignite & the warmth to be savoured.

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