Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dreams have wings

Dreams fly high, flap their wings, soar up in the sky
Wish it was easy to fly with my dreams, touch the rainbow, feel the colours of life

The path thorny, the winds dusty and the lights dim
But the clouds lift me up, the raindrops sing a song and hopes are up to the brim

The sky beckons me, higher, higher and higher up I have to fly
Plenty to see, plenty to feel. The storms tr...y to stop me, but I still rise high

Layers above layers I cross and still far is my destination
I get burnt, bruised, tired as the sun swallows me

Alas!!! Am ready to go back, all hopes gone, all promises lost
But the shining rays of the moon welcome me with open arms and my wings flap again

My destination is still far far away, but not all is lost...

As I prepare for another journey, my dreams flap wings
and again soar up in the sky.

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