Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Clothes, attires, drapes, covers, furnishings all adorn either us or the ambiance, expresses our taste and at times leaves behind an impression or becomes a style statement. We spend a lifetime trying to gather the best around be it a beautiful dress for the cocktail party or the new drapes complimenting our wall papers. From time to time we do take care of our skin as well. We generally do not skip our facials and skin treatments and often tend to spend an enormous amount to look younger on each birthday.

In the rush for life what we tend to forget is our body, mind & soul. The trio which keeps us going. Health is often neglected in the race for home, work and life. Minds are burnt out and pushed to the limits so much so that they stop responding and is at unrest most of the time. Our souls have given up fighting the battle of life. And our very essence of existence is no more alive. Our conscience is dead. We do things the way our dead mind orders but the soul does not permit. The needs and wants of our day-to-day lives are taken care of but the mind, body and soul are tired. They are longing to quench the thirst within. Our inner self lives with the hope that some day we would rise above the ostentatious ways of the world & resurrect ourselves. It's time for anagnorisis.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Marriage Memorabilia

The heading sounds more like memories down the marriage album. But it is much beyond that. This comes straight fom the marriage ceremonial gallore in the Indian society. "Marriages are made in heaven and celebrated on earth". It's quite true to it's meaning. Celebration is an understatement for all that goes into the pre & post marital ceremonies in India. The exhibition of the riches and the innumerous days spent in arraning the ostentation comes out as the most important thing in one's life. The more one spends on embellishments, food, jewellery, attire, the more worthy he proves to be.

With the status quo raising it's bar from year to year, the celebrity marriages are looked upto as the quintessentials. Ironically not because of the celebrities and the glamour but the gallore of lip-smacking cuisine, lighting, embellishment, celebrity performers, the bejewelled attires etc. This pandemonium could cost anything between 10 Lakhs - 10 Crores. And it doesn't end here...

The wedding day attire could range anywhere from 25 thousand-25 lakh depending on which celebrity wore it in which movie and what is the latest craze, a fish cut top or a halter neck. From the backless blouse of Madhuri to the fish cut kurti of Kareena, from Bipasha's gown to Aishwarya's jewellery, the bridal attire has seen it all and transition is inevitable.

To add to this this the gourmet gallery also ranges from Chinese, Continental, Italian, Indian, Thai, Lebanese etc. All sorts of cuisine cooked by the likes of Sanjeev Kapoor, Tarla Dalal or even super-chefs flown from US/UK to grace the kitchen.

The over-booked parlours smelling of perfumes, shampoos, hair-sprays, facials & other beauty treatments, even promise the bride looks of Kareena, Karisma, Bipasha, Priyanka on a high-budget beauty packages.

The rituals and mantras left to us by our mantras by our ancestors and which were followed by people diligently have evaporated leaving behind a mockery in place. The high budget packages of the priests include visiting charges and darning the occasion with their presence, thats it. Sadly enough the focus now lies not on the happy and prosperous married life, the divine bond has no meaning. What has taken it's place is the ceremony and the efforts put behind it to make the D-Day successful.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Just finished reading Chetan Bhagat's "The 3 mistakes of my life". I guess its quiet evident from the heading. Though this might be influenced bythe same, but I don't intend to write another one. Don't carry the audacity to do so. Since I have read all three books writen by him I think I can comment that this one is easily the best of his works. In the backdrop of Gujarat & it's episodes of earthquake and Godhara riots the brewing business of three friends intertwined with their personal lives is very stricking. Anyways coming back to the main topic, looking back at life, I sometimes feel, we spend half our lives recollecting our mistakes and grow up reading in books and listening from people that one should learn from them. But do we actually do that??? Who cares... We tend to dismiss all of them as either inexperience or mere experiments. But truely some of them cost a lot in our lives and remain unanswered as to why such a thing happened or was it really a mistake? Is it a mistake when you seem to have found friends for life & suddenly when you need them, they back-stab you? You get married to someone you have known for years and made promises for a lifetime but you don't get the love and warmth in return that you are seeking in the relation? You work hard and slog yourself for hours together to get a promotion and your unworthy team partner gets through because of his quality of buttering his seniors, so then to work hard was a mistake.

I guess theres nothing much to learn from these so called "Mistakes". These will always remain unanswered and no one would try deciphering the problem.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hope Around Us...

I got up one morning amidst blasts and unrest in the country. Dark clouds of fear and scepticism had filled the air. It seemed blood would trickle out of these thick clouds in the sky. Fear to step out of the houses; Fear to live blissfully; Fear to breathe; Fear of surviving. But cutting through all this was a fresh breeze of hope. Hope to live; Hope for a better tomorrow; Hope to find a better road ahead.

You , me and everybody around us take the same roads everyday. The road that takes us into our homes and out of it. When the other day I walked out of my house, towards the market for some shopping, a patch of road was being rebuild. While the fresh taurpaulin was being laid over it, what lay underneath were the cracks and the pot holes of the remains of a dead road. Further down, where the road still remained untouched revealed the imprints of the millions of footsteps and the remains of the road trampled n number of times beneath heavy vehicles. But the magical effect lies within. The road in whatever condition maybe, pushes us further and gives us a hope of moving ahead and reaching our destination someday.

Right in front of the shopping mall, the road was smooth with cars zipping on it. Though it is quite ironical but true, these roads are similar to our lives. While new opportunities and hope dawns our life what lies beneath is nothing but the past, the rough patches, the ups and downs. But we move on with a promise to surely reach our destination. What lies ahead of us is an exciting journey, ready to unveil the best. Sometimes our hopes and wishes have been marred and tramples by the selfish wants of some, but each time we strike back and move on...

Monday, September 8, 2008

India: It's Democratic, Social & Republic ways.

With the recent episodes of bomb blasts and other terrorist group activities taking a toll on the country, I simply thought to myself, isn't it time that we get together, stand united and fight terrorism. It should not be let loose today. It may harm us tomorrow. But all that has gone down the drain. What the country is now indulging in are various internal issues like why did Jaya Bachchan say she will not speak in Marathi and why Aamir supported the Narmada project and there should be a ban against Singh is King and so on... For days together there was a huge hue and cry on the Amarnath land issue, and then there is more to it like Singur. What’s wrong with the people of India? Hah! Democracy at it's best. Do whatever you feel like and say whatever you want. Communal issues are so prevalent in various states that we often forget or discard them as being petty issues like terrorism, unemployment, disaster relief and so on.

It's not long before soldiers had sacrificed their lives to protect us and our families from terrorists. But we are so selfish that we don't bother. It won't be long before we loose the peace of a blissful life and communal riots will burn the whole country. We need to be more aggressive not for selfish pleasures but for maintaining the overall peace and tranquility in the country.

Friday, August 22, 2008

108 Lotus Flowers

On the eighth day of the Durga Puja or "Durgashtami" an Ashtami Puja takes place where Goddess Durga is offered a garland of 108 Lotus Flowers. It is said that while Lord Rama was performing the rituals of "Akalbodhan", before going for the war, he wanted to offer 108 Lotus Flowers to the deity. While beginning the rituals he found that one of these beautiful flowers were missing. Since his own eyes were very beautiful and people addressed him as "komallochan" (eyes like that of lotus flower) he decided to offer one of his eyes. Seeing this devotion of his the lord himself magically got back the missing flower. Eversince then the garland is offered to Ma Durga.

Lotus Flowers have a strong symbolic tie to many Asian religions, especially throughout India. The Lotus flower starts at the bottom of the pond in the mud & muck and further on coming out of the pond blossoms into a beautiful flower. Within Hinduism & Buddhism, the lotus flower has become a symbol for awakening to the spiritual reality of life. People believe that the symbol of a lotus flower represents life in general. The struggle of life at its most basic form. As the Lotus Flower grows up from the mud into an object of beauty , people also grow & change into something more beautiful with time.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Golden Gun, Golden Bat & The Forgotten Wooden Stick

Ever since Abhinav Bindra won a gold medal at Beijing Olympics air rifle competition, the face of the Indian sports has changed completely with this first ever individual Olympic gold medal. The same feeling had deeply touched and moved the hearts of a million Indians when we had lifted the Cricket World Cup trophy for the first time led by the ever so dashing player, Kapil Dev. While Dhoni lifted the T-20 World Cup Trophy, the Indians had rejoiced once again. But there are still some unsung heroes. The Indians have long forgotten the forbidden game of Hockey.

It all started when India first participated in the first ever Olympics Hockey event in 1928. Amsterdam was the venue for the event. Under the able leadership of Jaipal Singh, Indian team bagged the Gold Medal. For the next six successive Olympics spanning twenty eight years (1928-1956) India won all the gold medals. Three out of which were contributed by none other than Dhyan Chand, the Hockey Wizard. It was definitely the golden era of Indian Hockey. India again won two more gold medals in Olympic hockey, 1964 Tokyo Olympics & 1980 Moscow Olympics. But now the game and the team have gone into oblivion. When India was on a winning spree, there was no media coverage, no promotion, no sponsorships, no funds, and no endorsements to fill the pockets of the players. And the victories were buried & the contributions of the yesteryear heroes were never remembered.

In 1975 India won the World Cup Hockey Tournament, but no one probably knows about it. On the other hand just a couple of days back we celebrated the silver jubilee of Indian World cup cricket victory of 1983. We sat for hours when Indian team reached the World Cup finals during Saurav Ganguly’s captaincy and also had the patience of enduring the lost match against Australia. But we are unconcerned about the fact that this time the Indian Hockey Team did not qualify for the Beijing Olympics. But each time they lost we have had the guts to point a finger at them and say that they are a bunch of losers; without even giving it a thought that the sort of encouragement, sponsorship and promotion, the game of the rich (cricket) gets; Hockey is nowhere near it.

If Sachin Tendulkar passes by he will be flocked by fans for an autograph but Dhanraj Pillai isn’t a household name. Sachin Tendulkar is a brand name in himself and Dhanraj Pillai has been long dismissed as the unsuccessful captained whose inability was that he couldn’t get back a Gold medal and Sachin is still forced by the BCCI to play in ODIs and Tests hoping that he will be back with a bang with the same old blazing gun shots. We can only shed tears while Chak De India Girls lift the World Cup Trophy but no one knows Mr. Negi the asli hero of Indian Hockey.

These unsung heroes will never be remembered and the National Sports Authority of India will never take a step to improve the prevailing situations. Politics & lack of basic amenities & low funds will never give the Indian Hockey players the deserved fame or attention. Now the responsibilities lie on the shoulders of the common man. We have to realize that this is the essence of the Indian sports & we need to support & fight on behalf of the Indian Hockey federation so that they can regain back their respect.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Concrete Forest

It's quiet nostalgic when I look behind in the past. My brisk childhood walks holding my parent's or grandparent's hands were always amidst lush green ambience. Dewy grass beneath, tall standing Gulmohar trees, beautiful flowers, cuckoos cooing, woodpeckers busy pecking on barks, parrots flying past hurriedly from one tree top to another and peacocks flaunting their wings awaiting the rains. Picking flowers, enjoying the various bird songs in the nature's lap. This was my childhood.

But as I see around now, the fading greenery is no more a concern for anybody. People enjoy movies in multiplexes, shopping in malls, indulge in indoor games but outings & picnics are long forgotten. Where have the picnic spots vanished? All one can see around is nothing but concrete forests. All builders are busy purchasing empty lots to be filled up with sky-scrapers later on. And these would then be sold at an exorbitant price; they are nothing but a heap of Cement & Bricks, comletely claustrophobic. Unlike the earlier homes which extended into a garden or a backyard which most of the houses would turn into a kitchen garden.

Only place you now seem to find plantations would be near a flyway or any over bridge where embellishment is required before the 2010 games. At the same time people who can afford a lavish farm house are pampering themselves to escape the busy week & the city life. Also some for the sake of interiors or beautiful exteriors or even Vaastu are planting trees. But this in't enough. We have a long way to go.

The Glowing Flame

Gone are those days of candle lit nights in power failures. The power backups have engorged the charm of a candle. The other night when I lit the candles amidst the effervescence of the potpouri, the flames emitted a wonderful warmth that unfolded a certain mystery, an enormity that had the power to engulf in itself all the pain in its surroundings. The dancing flames dislayed a certain exuberance that brightened the surroundings and lit the ambience. It woud burn for hours together and would melt into nothingness but it will make sure that its benevolent charm is spread all over.

It's amazing to notice the wide contrast in it's character. On one hand it embellishes your room in parties, dinners & festivals, its warmth lights up a fireplace in many houses and provides our kitchens it's soul, but at the same time disaster is not far away while there is a spark in the nearby wires or a smoke is seen coming out of high-rise buildings. Gushes of water are then poured to put it off but the same will again be required in winters to ignite & the warmth to be savoured.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Employee Motivation

It is very easy for an organization to talk for hours on Employee Motivation. But none of them realize what actually takes to motivate an employee & get the best out of him/her. When recruitment takes place in an organization, it’s not about hiring & paying. But it is to ensure that a new member is given the freedom to think out of the box, cultivate into a strong crew member who can steer the Titanic with conviction independently and row it past the iceberg. The employee is to be ensured an atmosphere when he gets an exposure to the best in the industry and in future contributes greatly to the growth of the organization. In this way he is directed to map his career growth easily.

When an employee grows to become an important entity in the organization – Delivers more than expected, becomes accessible 24 x 7 with mobile connections & laptops and submerges him/her selves in work; then begins the role of an employer. More & more organizations are now taking care of employee welfare like free meals, cab services, official spa, day-outs, date allowances, incentives and more. But other motivational factors like praise or encouragement seems to have evaporated and have been replaced by high perks, cash bonuses & hikes.

First & the foremost of these is the atmosphere. The best can culminate only if the surrounding is fun and peers are nice to work with. The output is automatically the best. The team lead has to be the best friend around for his team members, with whom; they can shares issues, grievances and success to. A leader; someone who can lead & motivate from the top. The motivations should pour down right from the top management in case of some big deal signed or project accomplished. Handing over of new assignments and other responsibilities also brings out the confidence they would work with in future and in turn makes an individual more responsible. Townhalls to be arranged religiously to listen out to the employees. Inspirational and motivational day-outs. Spend a day in the week talking to each employee individually. This brings in a sense of belongingness, helps knowing them better, knowing their interests, their goals and help them achieve those. This will only help to build a better organization.

Monday, August 4, 2008

An Eternal Being

When I finished reading “A Thousand Splendid Suns” by Khaled Hosseini, I realized that the status of a woman in our society has been the same for ages. Be it the condition of women in Kabul with the advent of Taliban or deep down India following the Sati Pratha. The Burqua or the Pardah or the ghunghat have adorned women of all ages and stood by as a symbol of protection from unknown men, from wandering eyes and has also withstood time in this fast changing era. But behind this symbol was buried by mankind himself some dreams, some struggles, some willingness to live. Today every now and then newspapers feature heart-rending episodes of women burnt down to death or marriages cancelled on the D-day due to undesired demand of dowry. What we fail to notice in such situations is what the society loses; a woman’s pride, a woman’s dignity.

Woman liberalization has definitely taken some pace in the modern times. More and more women are now coming in the forefront be it Kalpana Chawla or Pratibha Patil or Kiran Bedi all trying to inspire the others to do what hasn’t been dared till now. But with each woman succeeding there is another being forced to follow the Sati Pratha, with one woman landing on the Moon there is another female infanticide taking place, with every woman flying a plane there must be one in your own neighborhood being confined within the doorsteps and forced to handle the chulha chauki.

The constitution of marriage seems to follow some principles. Many a times some questions arise in my mind and remain answered. Why does the bride have to leave behind her house & past life which she has been cherishing ever since her birth? Why does she single handedly have to manage and care about the household without any support from others in the family? Why is she supposed to follow and listen what her husband says, though he is someone who suddenly enters her life? Why doesn’t she have her say in any important matters of the family? Why she has to enter the kitchen in the evenings though she is also one of the bread earners of the family? Even now in some of the suburbs the girl child has to crush her dreams of going to school and studying whereas the son is allowed to study, husbands still snub their wives when a girl child is born or is instructed to abort if she is conceiving a female child.

But the answer to all this lies within. Women Liberalization & Empowerment are not mere words but has a deeper meaning. Women have to realize this inner power that will rescue them from all odds & will enable them to withstand the social norms that come in the form of beliefs and misleading by the society which has to be curbed in such a way that they do not overshadow the dignity, pride & the whole being of a woman.

A woman is considered an epitome of eternal love. She teaches the whole mankind to share, care and sacrifice playing multiple roles of a mother, a sister, a wife & a lover. But at the same time she has to be strong like Sita who despite all her sacrifices had to go through agnipariksha but still brought her kids all by herself, She has to become like Ma Durga who fought with Mahishasur and fought all odds to destroy the devil.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Dewy fresh morning at Deer Park

One morning at about 5:30 am in summers, (a Saturday, as other days am fast asleep & would get up only later to go to office), my mom woke me up asking me whether I would accompany her, to her usually brisk morning walks. After a lot of tossing & turning on the bed, I dragged myself out, got dressed & hit the by lanes which led to the Deer Park.

The entrance to this “Morning Paradise” (as my mom called it), was dusty & looked like a burnt-out forest. The dust beneath was covered with scattered dry leaves & small trails created, leading to various tracks within the park. We took the one facing the iron grills with lots of Deers & some Barasingha’s & Pea hens & cocks behind it. As the road bend, we were eventually thrown into what was really a paradise in itself. What I saw was a lake with ducks wading in; all in whites & grays. Right in the centre was a mass of trees, what looked like an island. Spotlights shaped like stone boats had been placed within the lake, which I imagined would illuminate the lake & its surroundings when dark. This was surrounded on one side by an old fort beautifully clad in heavy beige colored stones. The other side unleashed a lush green ensemble filled with people of all age and from all walks of life, jogging, walking, chit-chatting, doing yoga asana. The sun was slowing rising from behind the lake & golden streaks of sunshine reflected in the water. The day break was welcomed by all alike, the chirping birds, the Deers, the rabbits. The mystifying ambience had something about itself; a belongingness. A certain depth to bind to itself and not let go. I was most enchanted by its exuberance.

I had just about started savoring this gift of nature when some shrilling squeaks distracted me. To my dismay, as I looked towards the lake what gathered my attention were a few kids trying to scare away the ducks. What annoyed me more was that neither the officials of the park were around to give instructions to people to stay away from the lake; neither did a passerby care to ask the children to stay off. I had somehow just about managed to ask the children to move away from the lake, when I saw that a batch of people had just left finishing their daily routine of exercises and chit-chats and left behind disposable cups of tea that they had just finished. Just round the corner I found a bin lying which read “Use Me” & seemed unused for ages. I decided to gather all this and get rid of them.

On our way back we followed the same track as we did while entering. Just as we reached the iron grills packed with Deers, round the corner a tilted board read “Please do not feed the animals anything” & right next to it I found people stuffing their (Deer’s) mouth with either breads or leafy vegetables or left outs of the dinners that they had had the previous nights. And the packets left unwanted either outside the grill or inside it. Though I was very put off with the way people were spoiling the atmosphere within the “Morning Pradise”, I somehow gathered myself and caught hold of an official explaining him my experiences one by one. All he replied was Kya karein Madam Ji, Koi suntan hi nahi. Ap apna time kyon barbad karte ho. I realized his helplessness and following all the embarrassment that I had faced, I quickly left the place thinking to myself that this place was chosen by the nearby residents for their early morning walks, not only due to its proximity but the calm & serene ambience that it was bearing and providing its lap as a relief to all who visited. But unfortunately we all were selfish. We took back good health, a fresh green ambience and so many good things from her but in return left this place dirty, polluted and waiting for ages, for the its visitors to realize how important it was to keep the surroundings clean so that they could experience the freshness every morning. My experience which had started with a new & fresh experience ended in dismay.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Indian Politics & Common Man

What I saw yesterday (21st July '08) on possibly all news channels was nothing but a mockery of Indian Politics. What was going on was nothing but an attempt by parties to oust or topple the other. The Nuclear Deal wasn't even the topic to ponder. What MPs were most concerned about were how to raise their voices and prove the opposition wrong. Well I would want to add to this that, do all MPs know each clause included in the deal and have they ever thought about the pros & cons if any?

The "Common Man" of Laxman, an old man clad in dhoti hasn't improved ever since. Well he doesn't care what the Nuclear Deal is about or why mid-term polls are required. All he knows is inflation and the consequences, poverty & unemployment; his family and how to give them a comfortable life. Why and what is politics, he is not concerned with. The endless and never ending parliament sessions & the mob of journalists thronging the parliament; are all worthless for the Common Man.

Discussions on the nuclear deal has been on for a long time. What ideally the MPs should have done, along with the government is, discuss out the clauses and ponder on the benefits that could work out for the country and what ways it could harmful. But Alas!!! All this has boiled down to unnecessary vote outs and long parliament sessions.

An MP has long forgotten what role he has to play as people's representative. It’s just become a rat race for the throne and the powers & money involved in it; the Common Man is left behind after the hungry politicians have stuffed themselves with votes. The Common Man is left alone to then ponder on how he will fight poverty and the inflation.

I, as an individual, as an Indian, would request the common man to vote wisely and think before casting your votes. We need to rise to the situation and cause an alarm for the Politicians who are busy fighting out for their selfish motives.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Love: In Its True sense

We all fall in love, without knowing its destination or without a thought or two on who is it and where they are leading to. "Love knows no boundaries", "Its blind"... n number of times we have heard this, but we have never tried to decipher its true meaning. Love varies from platonic to physical, from one-night stands to a life-long relationship. But it’s more of an emotional string which pulls two people together, not physically but emotionally. The depth of it is unknown. Its being has the power to engulf or swallow the ones involved, completely and without even letting the participants know of the wave that has come and gone by. It is a feeling, an emotion that flows through the heart to the mind which then stores it as a beautiful memory. This then comes alive whenever it gets attracted to a being with the same flow of emotions.

All I can say is that it is highly contagious, a beautiful feeling which fills our lives with various hues and brightens up like a golden streak of sunlight. Affection attracts love and spreads further. So catch it before it flies past and your hands are empty. Fill your pockets full and endure this emotion for a lifetime.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Who Am I ?

The other day I read this book by Preethi Nair called "The Color of Love" which talks about this lady who after lots of turmoil gives up her flourishing career, her love life, her wedding and even her parents house to just follow her instincts. Her childhood hobby and her attempt to run away from everything and everybody leads her to become a celebrity and ultimately win the Turner Prize.

I often wonder why is it that we simply tend to give up everything 'coz somebody else wants us to do so. Our identities have completely evaporated. Priority always remains what the other person feels but not what we want. I still don't know who I'm... A daughter, a wife, a sister, a friend. I still wonder the day I'm able to find and describe the real me I would have just followed my instincts and would not have to think about anything but what I want to do.

Rise! Create an identity for yourself and know & do what you want & believe in not what others want you to be.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Meet & Depart

Didn’t realize the other day what it feels to be departed from the loved ones or what one goes through when one moves away. Meeting & parting are the ways of life; but to go through the feeling of loosing someone important in your life has always been with me. Family being the soul of ones life was for me too. From childhood to now has been a journey full of love, life, family & friends.

For every child Grandparents have always been a source of fun, enjoyment, tons of pampering, foundation of knowledge, family values and a bundle of surprises. Sooner I realized that, made it an integral part of my system, I started cherishing the moments of my life with and around my grandparents. From the first footsteps to the innumerable broken toys, from the journey of the school to gifts on the birthdays, this was the world to me.

Day1: Early morning suddenly the news comes of my grandpa’s demise. Shock engulfed the whole family. Though I was too young to understand the true meaning of death, I soon realized the vacuum it had created in my life.

Day 2: My Cousin, this little sister of mine, the twinkling star in the family. During her short period of stay with us on earth, she made everyone happy around. She fulfilled my want of having a little sister (a doll), in my life. The smile, the naughtiness, the intelligent girl next door, all this filled or lives with joy. But Alas! This was it. Her illness didn’t let her stay long amongst us, and I still long for a cute little sister like her.

Day 3: My Best Friend – My Dad. I couldn’t imagine life without him. He guided me like a friend, philosopher & guide. From my first words, to my first smile, my first day at school to my exams, from studies to movies, he knew every bit and I confided in him religiously every small or big experience that I had. But his sudden illness and those hard times of lying besides his head and trying to give some comfort, made me realize that I was on the verge of loosing the strength in my life, my sole being and my entity was evaporating and all was in vain as every moment the dark clouds of worries and thoughts filled my mind. Soon I lost my shelter for life. While the days went by caring about my mom and all that I could do to keep her happy, and the want to somehow try and get back a smile on her face was my sole aim, I couldn’t keep my mind off the emptiness that was created in my life and has never been filled ever since.

All these losses have made me stronger from within. The emptiness has created an urge to make friends and to be emotionally bonded with each, to make them a part of my family. Friendship has given my life a new meaning. It has taught me the beauty of staying together, the beauty of staying in touch. My mother is now my greatest friend. My colleagues are my second family and I cherish each relationship. There still happens some departing, but with a promise to stay in touch and to cherish the joy of togetherness for ever ‘n’ ever…

Shades Of Nature

The water droplets from the early morning dews
On the lush green hues

The blue-black rooftop studded with diamonds & pearls
The balls of soft cotton with silvery grey curls

The leafy green carpet below
The scented breeze over it blows

Snowy mountain peaks
With rushes of golden streaks

Crystal clear water flowing through
With shining pebbles in the crew

Blooming colors on flowers all around
Filled with bubble bee sounds

Gushes of wind & hailstorm
Breaks open the norm; Reduces the calm

The waves curl up to the sky
The serenity is lost; trees fall apart and its all dry

Molten lava & tremors
Earth has lost its temper

Tornadoes fly past
Its coming to an end so fast
These are the shades of nature…

My Angel…

She called me one but became one for me
Came from nowhere & conquered many a hearts did she

The warmth of Love, affection & Care spread across
The glow brightened the paths to cross

No words, no action were required to express
The silence would bring out thousands out of distress

The Naughty smile, creative hands, a thinking brain
No one could capture this angel. Alas!!! All in vain

Vanished she with a promised to come back
It’s barren around… No sound

Silence & Darkness all around
No help all hands bound

But am happy…

The laughter, the smile, the naughtiness has filled up my empty life…
Until she is back, sweet memories engage me
My Angel…